Olympus DM-3, DM-5 manual File search display operations of the Recorder folder

Models: DM-5 DM-3

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File search display operations of the [Recorder] folder

When searching using the [Browse] search

Specify a folder to search for files recorded by this recorder.

1Press the + or button to select folder, and then press the `OK or 9button.

2Press the + or button to select file, and then press the `OK or 9button.

When searching using the [Day] search

Search for a file using the recording date. The most recent recording date is highlighted. Highlight the desired recording date.

1Press the + or button to select the recording date, and then press the `OK or 9button.

2Press the + or button to select file, and then press the `OK or 9button.

Press the `OK button to start playback of the file.

Press the `OK button to start playback of the file.

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Olympus DM-3, DM-5 manual File search display operations of the Recorder folder, When searching using the Day search