Olympus DM-5, DM-3 manual Select the PC, AC or Each, Memory Select, Auto Power Off, Time & Date

Models: DM-5 DM-3

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Memory Select

USB Settings

When a microSD card is inserted you can select to record to either the built-in memory or to the microSD card (P.30).

1Select [Memory Select] from the menu on the [System Menu].

2Select the [Built-in] or [microSD].

Auto Power Off

If the recorder remains in stop mode for over 10 minutes (Initial setting), the power will be turned off.

1Select [Auto Power Off] from the menu on the [System Menu].

2Select the [5minutes], [10minutes], [30minutes], [1hour], [2hour], [3hour] or [Off].

[5minutes] [10minutes] [30minutes] [1hour] [2hour] [3hour]:

Set the length of time before the power will be turned off.

[Off]: Disables this function.

Time & Date

Refer to “Setting time and date [Time & Date]” (P.28).

You can perform two settings for connections using the supplied USB cable. [PC] is used when connecting to a computer to transfer and receive files. [AC] is used when connecting to an AC adapter (A514) (Optional) for recharging.

1Select [USB Settings] from the menu on the [System Menu].

2Select the [PC], [AC] or [EACH].


Setting for connecting to the

PC using the USB cable provided. Connected as Storage.


Setting for connecting to the USB connecting AC adapter (A514) (optional) using the USB cable provided. The recorder can be operated on during charging.


Setting to confirm the connection method each time a USB connection is made.


The PC cannot recognize when the recorder is connected to the PC when setting for the [USB Settings] is set to [AC].

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Olympus DM-5, DM-3 manual Select the PC, AC or Each, Memory Select, Auto Power Off, Time & Date