Olympus DM-3, DM-5 manual File search type, Opening the file search display from the Music folder

Models: DM-5 DM-3

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Opening the file search display from the [Music] folder

File search type:

[Artist] Search

Files are searched for from a


list of artists.



[Album] Search

Files are searched for from a


list of album names.

[All Music]

Files are searched for from a


list of all songs.



[Browse] Search

A list of all songs and albums

in the [Music] folder is dis-






[Heard Re-

Files played on this recorder

cently] Search

are displayed reverse chrono-


logical order.

[Play Count]

Files are displayed in order of


the number of times they have


been played on this recorder.


Displays playlists transferred


to the recorder.





1From the [Home] menu display, select [Music] folder, and then press the `OK or 9button to open the search display.

2Press the + or − button to select the file search type, and then press the `OK or 9button.

If you make a mistake during the search, use the 0 button to return to the previous display.

Select the type of file search. Next, proceed to “File search display operations of the [Music] folder”.

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Olympus DM-3, DM-5 manual File search type, Opening the file search display from the Music folder