Olympus DM-5, DM-3 manual Importing contents

Models: DM-5 DM-3

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Importing contents

DAISY book content can be imported into “Olympus Sonority”. The content can be played by selecting it from the [DAISY tray]. Import and playback are possible with Version 2.0/2.02 DAISY content.


1Place a DAISY file or folder with DAISY files on the desktop of the computer.

2 Start “Olympus Sonority”.

3From the [File] menu of “Olympus Sonority”, select [Import], and then [Import DAISY book].

A file dialog box is displayed.

4Select the DAISY file to be imported and then click [Open].

Import starts.

• Imported files are displayed as a list.


Page 133
Image 133
Olympus DM-5, DM-3 manual Importing contents