Boot the PC.
Operating EnvironmentCopyright and Copyright ProtectionFeature (DRM)

By the Copyright Act, any voice/music files and music CDs downloaded from the Internet without the copyright holder’s permission may not be reproduced, distributed, publicized/re-publicized on the Internet, or converted into WMA or MP3 files for the purpose of commercial business or sale.


A WMA file may be provided with DRM (Digital


Right Management) for copyright protection.


DRM limits the file to copy or distribute music


files that are converted (ripped) from a music CD


or downloaded from music distribution services.


To transfer a WMA file with DRM to the recorder,


you need to use appropriate methods such as


Windows Media Player. Copying the music files


with DRM purchased from online music distribu-

tion service to a portable device such as this


recorder may be restricted.










• This recorder is compatible with Microsoft



Corporation DRM9, but not with DRM10.




Connecting to Your PC

Connecting to Your PC


2 Connect the USB connecting cable to the USB port of the PC.

3 Confirm that the recorder has stopped and connect a USB connection cable to the connection port on the side of recorder.


When you open [My Computer], it will be recognized by the drive name [LS_11] (Built-in flash memory) and [Removable Disk] (SD card).


When you connect the recorder to a Mac OS, it will be recognized by the drive name [LS_11] on the desktop. When an SD card is inserted it will be recognized by the drive name [Untitled].