OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server OMWT-SOFT-OPC Server .ini File Format x23
[Devicen]-Section name.
Address-serial numbe r of the sensor.
DeviceType -Device type. (DeviceType=TEMP)
PollTime-How often to poll the device. (ms)
Label -Name used for the device (and Topic).
Log-Enable/disable logging of device.
LogDecimalPlaces-Number of decimals to create when logging.
Units-See OPC item temp.input.unitsfo r description.
Cal1Raw-Two point calibration point 1.
Cal2Raw-Two point calibration point 2.
Cal1Engr-Two point calibration engineering units for point 1.
Cal2Engr-Two point calibration engineering units for point 2.
DeadBand -Dead band filtering value in ºC. (Default 0.01)
FilterElements -running macrofilter of the sampled data. Syntax: [no. of
elements, type] where no. of elements is number of samples to filter;
Default is “=3,MEDIAN”. Example: FilterElements1=6,AVERAGE
Description-General purpose description.
CorrID What CorrectionID to use with this device. Must be found in the
"Correction.INI" file that you write and keep in the same directory as
the OMWT-SOFT-OPC.ini file. 0 is the default and means no
correction; 127 is the maximum