Panasonic CF-W4 Series manual Advanced Menu, Security Menu

Models: CF-W4 Series

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Setup Utility

Getting Started

(An underline indicates the factory default settings)

CD/DVD Drive Power


• You can set the drive power to [On] or [Off] when the computer is started up.


When set to [Off]:



• From the next time you start the computer, you will be unable to start up from



DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive. The disk cover cannot be opened until Win-



dows has started. To start up from the DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive (give



preference to [USB CDD] (internal DVD-ROM & CD-R/RW drive) in the



[Boot] menu), set this to [On].



• If operations are resumed from hibernation mode while a disk is set, it may



take about 20 seconds for operations to resume.


• The drive power cannot be turned on/off with the drive power/open switch until Windows



starts, regardless of the current on/off status.


Battery Charging Indicator

On Continuous

Set the battery indicator to turn on or flash while the battery pack is recharging.





Advanced Menu


zThe [Advanced] menu cannot be changed when the Setup Utility is started up with the User Password.

(An underline indicates the factory default settings)



• Select whether to use the internal modem function ([Enable]) or not ([Disable]).



(This does not work for the external modem.)





Select whether to use the internal LAN function ([Enable]) or not ([Disable]).



(This does not work for the external LAN card.)


Wireless LAN


Select whether to use the internal wireless LAN function ([Enable]) or not ([Disable]).



(This does not work for the external wireless LAN card.)


Legacy USB Support


• Select whether to use the function that makes the computer recognize internal DVD-ROM



& CD-R/RW drive, USB keyboard and USB floppy disk ([Enable]) or not ([Disable]) before



starting Windows.


Security Menu


zWhen the Setup Utility is started up with the User Password, only a limited number of items can be displayed and set. (Î page 29)

z[SD Startup], [SD Setting Method] and [Clear registered SD card] will be displayed only when an SD memory card has been registered.

zWhen starting up the computer, if the message [Hard disk access is prohibited “Hard Disk Lock”] appears, start up the Setup Utility, and reset the details to match the settings when [Hard Disk Lock] was set.

(An underline indicates the factory default settings)

Execute-Disable Bit Capability


• When [Execute-Disable Bit Capability] is set to [Enable], it means that this computer sup-


ports hardware-based Data Execution Prevention (DEP). It should usually be set to


[Enable]. DEP is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional


checks on memory to help prevent malicious code from running on a system.





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Panasonic CF-W4 Series manual Advanced Menu, Security Menu