Composing a Melody 1From Idle, press <, select Applications
> Edit Ringtone. Press <
2 Press < to select Notes:
Using the table below as reference, enter the
notes, set the rhythm and octave for each and
add rests to generate your composition.
3 Referring to the table above, use the keys
$ to * to enter notes
4 The notes appear in the format 2C4 as
shown on the right when $ is pressed
➪The first number (2 in the display on the
right) indicates the note octave. The
default value is 2. Press # to change
octave (range from 1 to 3).
➪The number of the right (4 in the first dis-
play on the right) indicates the notes
length. The default value is 1/4. Press ,
to change note length (range from 1 to 1/
➪In the second display on the right, the
octave has been le ft unchanged at 2 while
the note length has been shorted to 1/32.
➪Indicate dotted notes (i.e. notes extended
in length) by pressing ".
➪Add sharp values to notes by pressing !.
➪Enter rests by pressing +.
$%^& LL'()*
+,#" !
Rest Note Set Dotted Sharp
Length Octave Note
jam-eng.book Page 30 Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:06 PM