Calculator The four function calculator will enable the user to perform si mple arithmetic
calculations (addition/subtraction/multiplication and division).
1From Idle press < and select Applica-
tions > Calculator. Press <
2 Enter a num ber (maxi mum 8 digi ts) and it
will be displayed on the upper right of the
display. If a decimal point is required,
press ". Pressing C will add “–” in
front of a number
3 Use ! to scroll through and select the
arit hm eti c o pe rat io n y ou wis h t o p erf or m
4 Enter a second number (maximum 8 digits). It will be displayed next to
the operation symbol
5 Press < to complete the calculation
jam-eng.book Page 40 Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:06 PM