Tex t E n t r y You use alphanumeric characters to enter details into the Phonebook, to cre-
ate text etc. This section details the characters that can be entered and the
relevant keys to press.
* Press " once to enter a single capital letter (subsequent characters will
be lower case). Pressing " twice acts as a keyboard CAPS LOCK func-
tion and subsequent characters will be uppercase. Press " a third time
to return to lowercase character entry.
The text entry modes are: Normal (ABC), T9 (T9), Greek (ΑΒΓ), Extended
(AÄÅ) and Numeric (0 ~ 9). To change your text entry mode, press 7 to
scro ll through the choices. The current mode icon is shown in the lower left
corner of the display.
Tex t M od e
Key T9®Normal
(ABC) Greek
(AÄÅ) Numeric
(0 ~ 9)
#Alternatives +_+_ +_ 0
$Punctuation .@/:;*#+-”,!¡?¿_()[]{}’&%\^~|<>=€£$¥¤§1
%abc ABCabc ABΓ AÄÅÆBCÇaäåæàbc 2
&def DEFdef ∆EΖ DEÉFdeèéf 3
'ghi GHIghi ΗΘΙ GHIghiì 4
(jkl JKLjkl ΚΛΜ JKLjkl 5
)mno MNOmno ΝΞΟ MNÑOÖØmnñoöøò 6
*pqrs PQRSpqrs ΠΡΣ PQRSpqrsß 7
+tuv TUVtuv ΤΥΦ TUÜVtuüùv 8
,wxyz WXYZwxyz ΧΨΩ WXYZwxyz 9
"Shift/Lock* Shift/Lock* Shift/Lock* *
!Space Space Space Space #
jam-eng.book Page 85 Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:06 PM