Chat SMS The Chat feature enables you to read sent and received messages on one
screen when in Chat SMS mode with another party.
1Either: When reading a previously sent
or received message, press < and select
Chat, press < and/or enter your Nick-
name (up to 10 characters) – see Tex t
Entry, page85.
Or: Launch Cha t SMS mode from Idle by
pressing < and selecting Messages >
Chat SMS > Start Chat. Press <.
Enter your Nickname. Press <
It is now possible to chat with the other party,
providing they have the chat SMS facility on
their phone. Enter your message – see Tex t
Entry, page 85. Press <. Press < again and
enter the destination phone number if neces-
sary (or browse and select from Phonebook).
Press <.
When receiving a message in chat mode, the
text will appear automatically above your previ-
ous message.
2 Press <, select OK to continue the chat
If the phone is not in chat mode when receiving a reply to a chat message, the
reply will be received as a normal SMS. I f a voice call is received when in chat
mode, the phone will allow you to accept the incoming call. The chat mode
ends at this time.
Chat conversations are stored and can be
viewed in the History folder.
To open the folder from Idle, press < and
select Messages > Chat SMS > History.
Regular Chat users should clear the history reg-
ularly to free memory space.
jam-eng.book Page 48 Tuesday, March 9, 2004 1:06 PM