Cell Broadcasts
Cellbroadcasts are general information that is sent to your
phoneby a network operator. The information can be district
trafficor weather.

Selecting Broadcast Topics

Youneed to specify the topic(s) of information that you wish to
receiveas broadcasts before you can receive them.
When“Menu” is displayed in the option area of the display:
1FBandeto point to “Messages”
2FBandeto point to “Broadcasts”
3FBandeto point to “Topics”
5FBandeto select a Topic
6FBtwiceto insert the Topic into your broadcast list

Enabling/Disabling Broadcasts

When“Menu” is displayed in the option area of the display:
1FBandeto point to “Messages”
2FBandeto point to “Broadcasts”
3FBandeto point to “Receive”
Oncebroadcasts have been enabled, the same procedure will
ShortText Messages