Adding to Multi-party
Youcan add to the Multi-party call (up to a maximum of five).
Eitherby making a call or accepting an incoming call. The call
canthen be merged into the Multi-party.
NOTE:When making a call or accepting an incoming call the
Multi-partycall will be placed on hold. The callers in the Multi-party
callcan continue to communicate with each other while on hold.
Splitting a Multi-party
Youcan select an individual from the Multi-party and remove
theirconnection. This enables you to talk privately without the
participationof the rest of the Multi-party.
Duringa Multi-party call:
1Fftodisplay “Option” in the option area
3Fetoselect a caller in the Multi-party
4Fftodisplay “Split” in the option area
Theselected caller will be split from the Multi-party call and the
Multi-partycall will be placed on hold (the remaining Multi-party
callcallers can still communicate).
Ending Multi-party Calls
Youcan either select an individual in the Multi-party and end
thecall or end the entire Multi-party call.

Ending a Single Connection

Duringa Multi-party call
1Fftodisplay “Option” in the option area
2Fetoselect a caller in the Multi-party
3Fftodisplay “End” in the option area

Ending a Multi-party Call

Duringa Multi-party call:
FEtoend all the calls at once