Care and Maintenance
Pressingany of the keys may produce a loud tone. Avoid
holdingthe phone close to the ear while pressing the keys
andduring Desktop Handsfree operation.
Extremetemperatures may have a temporary effect on
theoperation of your phone. This is normal and does not
indicatea fault.
Donot disassemble the equipment. There are no
Donot subject the equipment to excessive vibration or
Avoidcontact with liquids. If the equipment becomes wet
immediatelyremove the power and contact your dealer.
Donot leave the equipment in direct sunlight or a humid,
dustyor hot area.
Keepmetallic items that may accidentally touch the
terminalsaway from the equipment.
Alwayscharge the Battery Pack in a well ventilated area,
notin direct sunlight, between +5°C and +35°C. It is not
possibleto recharge the battery pack if it is outside this
Avoidrecharging battery packs for longer than
Donot incinerate or dispose of the battery packs as
ordinaryrubbish. The battery packs must be disposed of
inaccordance with local legislation and may be recycled.
Whendisposing of any packing materials or old
equipmentcheck with your local authorities for information
Careand Maintenance