Text Entry
Text Entry
The phone provides a means for entering alphanumeric characters to enter details into the Phonebook, to create text and
Text Mode
Key | T9® | Normal | Greek | Extended | Numeric | |
(U) | (V) | (W) | ||||
| |||||
0 | Alternatives |
| 0+P_ | |
1 | Punctuation | 1 | ||||
2 | abc | ABCabc | AÄÅÆBCÇaäåæàbc | 2 | ||
3 | def | DEFdef | DEÉFdeéèf | 3 | ||
4 | ghi | GHIghi | GHIghiì | 4 | ||
5 | jkl | JKLjkl | JKLjkl | 5 | ||
6 | mno | MNOmno | MNÑOÖØmnñoöøò | 6 | ||
7 | pqrs | PQRSpqrs | PQRSpqrsß | 7 | ||
8 | tuv | TUVtuv | TUÜVtuüùv | 8 | ||
9 | wxyz | WXYZwxyz | WXYZwxyz | 9 | ||
* | Shift/Lock* | * | * | * | * | |
# | Space | # | # | # | # |
*Press * once to enter a single capital letter (subsequent characters will be lower case). Pressing *twice acts as a keyboard CAPS LOCK function and subsequent characters will be uppercase, until * is pressed for a third time returning to lowercase character entry.
T9®Text Input
Using this mode of text entry dramatically reduces the number of key presses required:
Press a key once for any letter you require on that key. The desired letter may not be displayed. Continue pressing other keys until the end of a word is reached; then check that the word has been typed correctly before continuing on to the next word.