Call Information

Recent Numbers

Recentlydialled phone numbers will be stored in Last Dialled.
IfCaller Identification is available the caller’s phone number for an
answeredcall will be stored in Answered and an unanswered call
willbe stored in Unanswered.
IfCaller Identification is not available then calls will still be stored but
willhave the date and time attributed to them.
Whenthe store is full the next phone number will overwrite the
1FromIdle mode, press D
2Useeto select Last Dialled,Answered or Unanswered and
3Useeto select the phone number (or name) you wish to redial
andpress D
Youcan edit or delete the phone number before dialling – see
“EditingPhonebook Entries” page 14.
Ifyou wish to store the selected number in Phonebook, press A
whilethe number is displayed – see “Store a Number” page 12.

Calling the Last Dialled Number

Toredial your last called phone number press DD

Returning an Unanswered Call

Whenthe display shows that you have received calls but not
2Thelast caller’s phone number will be displayed if it is
3Useeto select the phone number you wish to dial