Performance Indicator
Indicateur de
performance Indicador de funcionamiento
➢When the vacuum cleaner is running with normal air flow, the light on the performance indicator is off. The light comes on whenever the airflow becomes blocked. If that occurs, check the dust bag clean/replace clogged filters, and check other possible clog locations shown in CLOG REMOVAL. The light may also come on when using attachments, due to reduced airflow through the attachment. In some cases, the performance indicator light may not come on if the motor protector has opened.
Dirt Sensor
Dirt Sensor
Détecteur de poussière Indicador de polvo
➢The electronic dirt sensor is a feature which will detect particles as they pass through the vacuum cleaner.
➢The dirt sensor indicator is located on the front of the vacuum cleaner as illustrated.
➢When there is little or no dirt present the dirt sensor is green.
➢With normal or heavy dirt concentration the dirt sensor is red.
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