Appendix (glossary)
Defined below are the terms used in this manual.
Word Explanation
AB Bus system A bus control mode. By executing a transition, the A bus and B bus signals are output to
the program images alternately.
Ancillary Data The auxiliary data other than the video signals which is transmitted inside the data
stream of the video serial interface. The data superimposed on the vertical blanking
period is referred to as the V ancillary data (VANC).
Aspect ratio The ratio between the horizontal and vertical dimensions of an image or screen.
It is 16:9 for the HD format and 4:3 for the SD format.
[Auxiliary Bus]
A spare bus which can be switched by signals other than the main line output signals.
[Automatic Video Delayline]
A function to automatically adjust the input image signal phase to the horizontal
synchronization reference signal phase.
[Black burst]
The black burst signal. A full-screen black level composite signal which is used as the
reference signal for gen-lock.
Border The area or margin that is added to the edge of a wipe or key.
Its width and color can be adjusted. The defocusing of the area around a border is
referred to as the soft effect.
Chroma key This refers to the function for creating the key signals based on the color information of
the video signals and combining the keys.
Clip The threshold level of the luminance when key signals are created from a key source.
Color Background The signals which are output from the internal color generator and used as the
background image.
Cut This refers to the effect where the display is instantly switched to the next image.
Density A parameter which is used to adjust the density of the key signals.
Dot by Dot This treats images as actual size (1) images. With PinP, it allows SD images to be
combined with HD images with no accompanying deterioration in the images themselves.
Down Converter This is the function that converts material in the HD format into the SD format.
DSK [Downstream Key] This refers to the key combination process which is performed at the end of the mix
effect. The key is always combined with the foremost image.
DVE [Digital Video Effect] This refers to the transition patterns accompanying size reductions or slide effects.
[Digital Visual Interface]
A digital video interface standard.
DVI-I can handle both digital signals and analog signals.
Embedded Audio This refers to the audio data packets which are transferred inside the data stream of the
video serial interface.
Flip Flop system
(PGM/PST system)
A bus control mode. The signals selected by the program bus are always output as the
program images. By executing a transition, the program bus and preset bus signals are
switched over.
Flying Key This function uses DVE effects to move, expand or reduce key signals.
Frame Synchronizer A function which matches the synchronization of non-synchronized video input signals.
Freeze A function which continues the display of the same image, creating the impression that
the image has been “frozen”.
FTB [Fade to Black] This is the effect where the background image is faded out to the black screen.
Genlock A function for synchronizing the video signals using an external sync signal as the