AX_ SetGraphics
Description Pass Screen Coordinates (in Pixels) of the ZoomBox to the API for Zoom operations
Returns (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure
Arguments: ByVal iGraphicsOn As Integer
VB Example: 'Turn Graphics On
Call AX_SetGraphics (1)
'Turn Graphics Off
Call AX_SetGraphics (0)
Declaration: Public Declare Function AX_SetGraphics Lib "MotionCore.DLL" _ (ByVal iGraphicsOn As Integer) As Integer
(Error Message System)
Description 'Get the System errors from the DLL if any
Returns (Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure
Arguments: ByVal ErrMsg as String, ByVal ErrSource as String, ByRef ErrLineNum As Long
VB Example: ErrMsg = Space (255) : ErrSource = Space(128)
Call AX_SystemErr (ErrMsg, ErrSource, ErrLineNum)
ErrMsg = Mid (ErrMsg, 1, lstrlen (ErrMsg))
ErrSource = Mid (ErrSource, 1, lstrlen (ErrSource))
frmErrMsg.ErrMsgTxt.Text = Trim(ErrMsg) & vbCrLf & "Source = " & Trim(ErrSource) & vbCrLf
&"Line = " & ErrLineNum ErrDisplayOn = True
Declaration: Public Declare Function AX_SystemErr Lib _
"MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal ErrMsg As String, ByVal ErrSource As String, ByRef ErrLineNum As Long) As Integer
Description | Acknowledgement from Vb to DLL side from user that he got the error MSG. |
| This function also Clear the Error in the DLL Handler.If more errors are in the message |
Returns | Handler the Above Call will be Valid again. |
(Integer) 1 on Success, 0 on Failure | |
Arguments: | None |
VB Example: | Call AX_ClearSystemErr |
Declaration: | Public Declare Function AX_SystemErr Lib _ |
| "MotionCore.DLL" (ByVal ErrMsg as String, ByVal ErrSource As String, ByRef ErrLineNum As |
| Long) As Integer |
API Users Guide | API Command Descriptions - 17 |