Partner Tech P11597 Adjustment of the cutting unit, Einstellung des Mähaggregats

Models: P11597

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Adjustment of the cutting unit

A. In the direction of travel

1.Check that the air pressure is correct in all four tires.

2.Make sure that the machine is on a horizontal surface.

3.Lift up the cutting unit to its highest position.

4.Measure the distances A and B.

Einstellung des Mähaggregats

A. In Fahrrichtung

1.Prüfen, daß der Luftdruck an allen vier Reifen richtig ist.


3.Mähaggregat in die oberste Lage anheben.

4.Abstände A und B messen.

Réglage du carter de coupe

A. Réglage latéral

1.Vérifier que la pression, dans les quatre pneus, est correct.

2.S'assurer que le tracteur est placé sur une surface plane.

3.Relever au maximum le carter de coupe.

4.Mesurer les distances A et B.

Ajuste de la unidad de corte

A. En el sentido de la marcha

1.Controlar que la presión de inflado es la correcta en los cuatro neumáticos.

2.Asegurarse de que la máquina está sobre suelo horizontal.

3.Levantar la unidad de corte hasta su posición más el- evada.

4.Medir la distancia A y B.

Regolazione del tagliaerba

A. Nel senso di marcia

1.Controllare la pressione dei pneumatici.

2.La macchina deve essere in piano.

3.Sollevare al massimo il tagliaerba.

4.Misurare le distanze A e B.

Het instellen van de maaikast

A. In de rijrichting

1.Controleer of de luchtdruk in alle vier de banden juist is.

2.Zorg ervoor dat de machine op een vlakke ondergrond staat.

3.Zet de maaikast in de hoogste stand.

4.Meet de afstanden A en B.


To achieve best cutting results the cutting unit’s front edge (B) should be about 10 mm (0.375") lower than the back edge (A). Adjust in the following way to raise the back edge:

1.Loosen the nut (1) on both the left and right levers.

2.Screw the nut (2) the same number of turns on both levers.

3.When the correct distance (A) is obtained this setting is locked with the nut (1).

Für bestes Mähergebnis muß die Vorderkante des Mähag- gregats (B) ca. 10 mm tiefer liegen als die Hinterkante (A). Einstellung zur Erhöhung der Hinterkante:

1.Mutter (1) am linken und rechten Hebel lösen

2.Mutter (2) gleich viele Drehungen an beiden Hebeln verstellen.

3.Wenn der richtige Abstand (A) erhalten wird, sind die Einstellungen mit der Mutter (1) zu sperren.

Pour obtenir la coupe la meilleure, le bord avant du carter de coupe (B) doit être situé à 10 mm au-dessous du plan du bord arrière (A).Pour régler la position du bord arrière, procéder de la manière suivante:

1.Desserrer l'écrou (1) sur les biellettes de suspension avant, droite et gauche, du carter de coupe.

2.Visser les écrous (2) exactement de la même façon sur les biellettes de suspension avant, droite et gauche.

3.Lorsque la distance (A) est correcte, verrouiller ce réglage en resserrant l'écrou (1).

Para obtener el mejor resultado de corte, el extremo delantero

(B)de la unidad de corte ha de estar unos 10 mm (0,375") más bajo que el extremo posterior (A). Ajustar de la manera siguiente para elevar el extremo posterior:

1.Quitar la tuerca (1) en las palancas izquierda y derecha.

2.Enroscar la tuerca (2) el mismo número de vueltas en las dos palanca.

3.Cuando se ha obtenido la distancia correcta (a), el ajuste se bloquea con la tuerca (1).

Per ottenere i migliori risultati, il bordo anteriore del tagliaerba

(B)deve essere circa 10 mm più basso di quelo anteriore

(A).Regolare nel modo sequente:

1.Allentare il dado (1) sui bracci destro e sinistro.

2.Avvitare il dado (2) di un nuemero identico di giri sui due bracci.

3.Dopo aver raggiunto la distanza corretta (A) bloccare stringendo il dado (1).

Om het beste maairesultaat te bereiken, dient de voorkant

(B)van de maaikast ca. 10 mm (0,375") lager te staan dan de achterkant (A). Ter verhoging van de achterkant als volgt instellen:

1.Draai moer (1) los op linker en rechter hefboom.

2.Draai moer (2) op de beide hefbomen evenveel slagen.

3.Wanneer de juiste afstand (A) is bereikt, wordt de instell- ing met de moer (1) vastgezet.


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Partner Tech P11597 Adjustment of the cutting unit, Einstellung des Mähaggregats, Réglage du carter de coupe

P11597 specifications

The Partner Tech P11597 is an advanced point-of-sale (POS) terminal designed to streamline retail operations and enhance the customer experience. With its robust features and modern technologies, it serves as a powerful tool for businesses in various sectors, including retail, hospitality, and service industries.

One of the standout features of the P11597 is its high-performance processing capabilities, powered by an efficient processor that ensures fast transaction processing. This speed is crucial in busy environments where customer satisfaction is paramount. The terminal is equipped with a responsive touchscreen interface, facilitating intuitive navigation for both staff and customers. The display boasts high resolution and vivid colors, allowing for clear visibility in various lighting conditions.

The P11597 supports multiple payment options, including contactless, chip-and-PIN, and traditional magnetic stripe cards. This versatility not only accommodates a wide range of customer preferences but also improves transaction security, reducing the risk of fraud. Moreover, the device is equipped with advanced encryption and security features to safeguard sensitive customer data.

In terms of connectivity, the Partner Tech P11597 includes a variety of ports, such as USB, Ethernet, and serial connections, enabling seamless integration with existing systems and peripherals like barcode scanners, printers, and cash drawers. This flexibility allows businesses to expand their capabilities as needed.

Another key characteristic is its durability. The terminal is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use in a bustling retail environment. With a spill and dust-resistant design, it can endure accidental spills and maintain cleanliness, ensuring longevity and reliability.

Additionally, the P11597 is built with energy efficiency in mind. Its power-saving technologies contribute to reduced operational costs, making it an environmentally friendly choice for businesses.

Overall, the Partner Tech P11597 combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly features, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to enhance their POS capabilities. Its speed, security, and durability underline its reputation as a reliable choice for modern retail operations, catering effectively to the needs of both operators and customers alike.