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ANSI paper An American standard paper size; e.g. D, E.
paper The Architectural paper sizing system.
application The software you use to create your drawings .
Centronics A standard for the parallel interface between computer and device.
clipping Losing part of a drawing at the edges.
CMP Complementary Media Program that helps HP customers grow their
businesses by referencing third-party printing material choices to ensure
maximum HP DesignJet printer flexibility an d printing solutions.
CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow and black. The colors of the printer’s four inks, and
also a standard color model.
paper Paper coated on one side for inkjet printing.
default A value or condition that is assumed if no other value or condition is
device An external item connected to the computer: printer, tape drive, etc. Your HP
DesignJet is a device.
dpi Dots per inch, a measure of print resolution.
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