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Warped Lines•The media itself may be warped. This can happen if it has bee n used or not been st ored i n the correc t en vir on-
mental conditions.
•For all environmental specifications, see En viromental Specifications.
Blurred Lines (Ink “Bleeds” from Lines)•Perhaps you have adjusted the drying time in the fro nt-p anel men u to speed up the print er outp ut. S et “Drying
time” to “Automatic”.
For details of drying time adjustments, see Ink System.
Marks or Scratches on Glossy Paper after PrintingGlossy paper may be extremely sensitive to the bin or anything that it comes into contact with directly after
printing. This will depend on the amount of ink printed and the environ mental conditions that are present at the
time of printing. Avoid any contact with th e p ape r an d h and le the p rint wi th ca re un til qui t e s ome time has el aps ed.
NOTE: Included with HP media is a book “Printer Tips” that includes a section on troubleshooting
paper problems.