Solving Problems Image Quality
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Configuration CorrectionBefore attempting the image quality diagnostic procedures contained in this section, you should first check that
the printer is correctly configured to print what you want. Many problems concerned with image quality can be
solved by correcting the way the printer is config ured.
1. To achieve the best performance from your printer, only use genuine HP accessories and supplies, whose
reliability and performance have been thoroughly t ested to give trouble-free performance and best-quality
prints. For details of HP media, see Paper Types.
2. Make sure that the Type of paper selected in the front panel is the same type of paper loaded into the printer.
To check this go to the Roll or Sheet menu in the front panel and press Enter.
3. To ensure the maximum print quality use HP certified media only. For details of HP media see Physical
Characteristics of Paper Types. You can also look at the web page http://www.hp.com/go/designJet for the
most up-to-date information.
4. Make sure that the Print quality (Fast, Normal, Best) used for your printer is correct. This is s et in the Print
Setup dialog box of the printer driver or in the front panel from the Set-up menu. The printer driver setting
overrides the front panel setting.
5. Select Best print mode for maximum print quality.
6. For Non-HP drivers, set front panel media settings to match the m edia type loaded in the printer. The
documentation that came with your software should prov ide information about media type/print quality
7. If your image quality problem is color accuracy related, go to Color Accuracy for further
configuration help.