Contact information
Argentina | Italia | Romānä |
0800 444 7749 | 0245 28 70 14 (chiamata nazionale) | 031 6300042 (Tarif local) |
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070 700 035 (0,15€/min.) | Northern Ireland | Suisse / Schweiz / Svizzera |
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033 941 251 (Lokalni poziv) | Kaзaкcтaн | Србија |
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Brazil | 8 10 800 2000 00 04 (free) | 011 321 6840 (Lokalni poziv) |
0800 701 0245 |
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Česká republika | 8 5 214 0293 (Vietinais tarifais) | 1 888 83 12 (Lokalni klic) |
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228880895 (Místní tarif) | Luxembourg / Luxemburg | Suomi |
Danmark | 2487 1100 (Nationale Ruf / appel national) | 09 88 62 50 40 |
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3525 8314 | Magyarország | Sverige |
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0180 501 04 69 (0,14€/Min.) | Nederland | |
Ελλάδα | 0900 202 08 71 (0,10€/min.) | 02 652 7650 |
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2111983028 (Εθνική κλήση) | Norge | Türkiye |
España | 22 97 19 14 | 444 8 445 |
| |
902 88 10 83 (0,10€ + 0,08€/min.) | Österreich | United Kingdom |
Estonia | 0820 40 11 33 (0,145€/Min.) | 0844 338 04 88 (5p/min BT landline) |
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6683061 (Kohalikud kõned) | Polska | Україна |
France | 22 397 15 04 (Połączenie lokalne) | |
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01 57 32 40 50 (local) | Portugal |
| 707 78 02 25 (0,12€/min. - Móvel |
Hrvatska | 0,30€/min.) |
01 777 66 01 (Lokalni poziv) |
| www.philips.com/support |
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