Contact information
Canada (Francophone)
United States and Canada (English and Spanish
speaking) | |
Argentina | |
Australia | |
Austria | 810000205 |
| (€0.20/min) |
Belgium | 78250145 |
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Brazil | |
Bulgaria | |
Chile | |
China | |
| (local tariff) |
Colombia | |
Czech Republic | 800142840 |
Denmark | |
Finland | |
France | 0821 611655 |
| (€0.23/min) |
Germany | 01803 386 852 |
| (€0.14/min) |
Greece | |
Hong Kong | |
Hungary | 680018189 |
India | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | 840320086 |
| (€0.25/minute) |
Japan |
Korea | |
Luxembourg | 40 6661 5644 |
Malaysia | |
Mexico | |
Netherlands | |
| (€0.20/min) |
New Zealand | |
Norway | |
Pakistan | |
Peru | |
Philippines | |
Poland | 223491504 |
Portugal | |
Romania | |
Russia Federation | |
| |
Singapore | |
Slovakia | |
South Africa | (011) |
Spain | |
| (€0.10/min) |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
Taiwan | |
Thailand | |
Turkey | |
Ukraine | |
United Kingdom | 0870 900 9070 |
| (£0.15/min) |
Uruguay | |
Venezuela |