Black plate (18,1)
PlaytimeDisc Title (disc title)
DiscArtistName (disc artist name)
TrackTitle (track title)TrackArtist Name
(trackartist name)
#Ifspecific information has not been recorded
ona CD TEXT disc, title or name is not displayed.
Scrollingtext information inthe display
Thisunit can display the first 16 letters of
DiscTitle,DiscArtist Name,Track Title and
TrackArtistName. When the text information
islonger than 16 letters, you can scroll the dis-
playas follows.
%PressDISPLAY and hold until the text
informationbegins to scroll through the
Thetitles scroll.
WhenEver Scroll is set to ON at the initial setting,
CDtext information scrolls continuously in the
display.If you want to display the first 16 charac-
tersof text information temporarily and scroll
fromthe beginning, press and hold DISPLAY.
Referto Switching the Ever Scroll on page 40.
Built-in CD Player