Black plate (44,1)
!Ifthe heater is used in coldweather, moist-
uremay form on components inside the
CDplayer. Condensation may cause the CD
playerto malfunction. If you think that con-
densationis a problem turn off the CD
playerfor an hour or so to allow it to dr y
outand wipe any damp discs with a soft
clothto remove the moisture.
!Roadshocks may interrupt CD playback.
CD-R/CD-RW discs
!WhenCD-R/CD-RW discs are used, play-
backis possible only for discs which have
!Itmay not be possible to play back CD-R/
CD-RWdiscs recorded on a music CD re-
corderor a personal computer because of
disccharacteristics, scratches or dirt on
thedisc, or dirt, condensation, etc., on the
lensof this unit.
!Playbackof discs recorded on a personal
computermay not be possible, depending
onthe application settings and the environ-
ment.Please record with the correct for-
mat.(For details, contact the manufacturer
ofthe application.)
!Playbackof CD-R/CD-RW discs maybe-
comeimpossible in case of direct exposure
tosunlight, high temperatures, or the sto-
rageconditions in the vehicle.
!Titlesand other text information recorded
ona CD-R/CD-RW disc may not be dis-
playedby this unit (in the case of audio
!Ifyou insert a CD-RW disc into this unit,
timeto playback will be longer than when
youinsert a conventional CD or CD-R disc.
!Readthe precautions with CD-R/CD-RW
discsbefore using them.
MP3, WMA and WAVfiles
!MP3is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3 and
refersto an audio compression technology
!WMAis short for Windows Media"Audio
andrefers to an audio compression tech-
nologythat is developed by Microsoft Cor-
poration.WMA data can be encoded by
usingWindows Media Player version 7 or
!WAVis short for waveform. It is a standard
audiofile format for Windows®.
!Thisunit may not operate correctly depend-
ingon the application used to encode
!Dependingon the version of Windows
MediaPlayer used to encode WMA files,
albumnames and other text information
maynot be correctly displayed.
!Theremay be a slight delay when starting
playbackof WMA files encoded with image
!Thisunit allows playback of MP3/WMA/
WAVfiles on CD-ROM, CD-R and CD-RW
discs.Disc recordings compatible with
level1 and level 2 of ISO9660 and with the
Romeoand Joliet file system can be played
!Itis possible to play back multi-session
compatiblerecorded discs.
!MP3/WMA/WAVfiles are not compatible
withpacket write data transfer.
!Themaximum number of characters which
canbe displayed for a file name, including
theextension (.mp3, .wma or .wav), is 64,
fromthe first character.
!Themaximum number of characters which
canbe displayed for a folder name is 64.
!Incase of files recorded according to the
Romeofile system, only the first 64 charac-
terscan be displayed.
Additional Information