Pioneer DEH-P9100R operation manual Scanning folders and tracks, Select the repeat range

Models: DEH-P9100R

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MP3 Play


If you select other folders during repeat play, the repeat range changes to disc repeat.

If you perform track search or fast forward/reverse during one-track repeat, the repeat range changes to folder repeat.

Folder repeat plays back the tracks (MP3 files) in the current folder only. Tracks in sub-folders are not played back.

Playing tracks in random order

Random play lets you play back tracks in the current folder in random order.

1.Press FUNC and then press RDM to select the random mode.

2.Press RDM to turn random play on.

The light illuminates. Tracks will play in ran- dom order.

Press RDM again to turn random play off.

When the random mode is exited while random play is on, “RDM” appears on the basic display.


Random play plays back the tracks (MP3 files) in the current folder only. Tracks in sub-folders are not played back.

When you select disc repeat, when random play of all tracks in the current folder has been completed, random play will continue on the next folder.

Scanning folders and tracks

When you select folder repeat, scan play lets you hear the first 10 seconds of each track in the selected folder. When you select disc repeat, scan play lets you hear the first 10 sec- onds of the first track on each folder.

1.Select the repeat range.

Refer to “Repeating play” on page 24.

2.Press FUNC and then press SCAN to select the scan mode.

3.Press SCAN to turn scan play on.

The light illuminates. The first 10 seconds of each track of the current folder (or the first track of each folder) are played.

When the scan mode is exited while scan play is on, “SCAN” appears on the basic display.

4.When you find the desired track (or fold- er), press SCAN to turn scan play off.

The light goes off. The track (or folder) will continue to play.

If the scan mode is automatically canceled, select the scan mode again.


After track or folder scanning is finished, normal playback of the tracks will begin again.

If you turn scan play on during one-track repeat, the repeat range changes to folder repeat.


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Pioneer DEH-P9100R operation manual Scanning folders and tracks, Select the repeat range, Refer to Repeating play on