The page includes the following fields: table 4-16 description of the LACP Port Status.






Indicate port 1 to port 24.



Protocol Active

Indicate the LCAP protocol is enable or not on the port.


Yes- LACP is enabled and active on the port


No- LACP is not enabled, or LACP is enabled but not active on the port.


It’s usually depends on the partner switch is LACP enabled or not.



Partner Port

The port number/ID of the linked partner switch- if other switch has LACP




Ex. Row of Port 7with Partner Port Number value=15


The Port 7 of the switch is connecting to the Port 15 of the partner switch directly –


both of the two switches are with LACP enabled.



Operational Port

The current operational key value of the partner port. Within the same LACP


group, the port key value should be the same with the other LACP active ports.




Table 4-16 Description of the LACP Port Status
