MAC-AddressSpecifies the MAC address for which the table is queried. Table 4-26 Description of the Dynamic Address Table

"Although the MAC Address Table of GSW-Series Web-Smart switches are up to 8K .entries. To

Note: reduce the Web-Page memory loading, the maximum MAC lists are limited to 256 entries.

4.13.2Static MAC Address

The Static MAC Address page contains a list of static MAC addresses. Static Address can be added and removed from the page. In addition, several MAC Addresses can be defined for a single port. The screen in Figure 4-50 appears.

Figure-4-50Static MAC Address Configuration

The configable filelds includes the following items: Table 4-27 Description of the Static MAC Address.







The VLAN ID attached to the MAC Address





Specifies the port numbers for which the table is queried.





Input the MAC address entry be manualed bind to the specify port.






Table 4-27 Description of the Static MAC Address
