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Chapter 4 Menu-Driven Console Management The Switch provides a menu-driven console interface for configuration purposes. The Switch can be
configured either locally through its RS-232 port or remotely via a Telnet session. This chapter
describes how to configure the Switch using its menu-driven console. The figures in this chapter will
base on WGSW-2402A, for WGSW-404, however, the setup steps are the same.
4.1 Logging on to the Switch
Enter the console interface factory default console name “admin” without password (or enter a
user-defined pass-word if you changed the factory default password). The Switch Management screen
in Figure 4-1 appears, with the Basic option highlighted.
Note: Only one console and three telnet-users can log on to the Switch concurrently. However, it is
not recommended that multiple users modify the configuration at the same time.
To perform basic management activities, see Section 4.3 “Performing Basic Management
To perform advanced management activities, see Section 5 “Performing Advanced Management