ChangingWrist Unit Batteries: Do not open the
wristunit yourself. To ensure water resistance
propertiesand the use of qualified components,
thewrist unit battery should be replaced by an
authorizedPolar Service Center only. A full
periodiccheck of the heart rate monitor will be
donewhen changing batteries.
Thelow battery symbol will appear when 10-15%
ofthe battery capacity is left. The backlight and
soundsare automatically deactivated. Excessive
useof the backlight drains the battery more
rapidly.In cold conditions, the low battery
indicatormay appear, and disappear again when
youreturn to a warmer environment.
ChangingTransmitter Batteries: If you suspect
thatthe transmitter battery has run out, contact
yourauthorized Polar Service Center for a
replacementtransmitter. Polar recycles used
PrecautionsMinimizingPossible Risks
Exercisemay include some risk. Before beginning
aregular exercise program, answer the following
questionsconcerning your health status. If you
answeryes to any of these questions, consult a
doctorbefore starting any training program.
•Haveyou been physically inactive for the past 5
•Doyou have high blood pressure or high blood
•Doyou have symptoms of any disease?
•Areyou taking any blood pressure or heart
•Doyou have a history of breathing problems?
•Areyou recovering from a serious illness or
•Doyou use a pacemaker or other implanted
•Doyou smoke?
•Areyou pregnant?