Electromagneticdisturbances may occur near
high-voltagepower lines, traffic lights, overhead
linesof electric railways, electric bus lines or
trams,televisions, car motors, bike computers,
somemotor driven exercise equipment, cellular
phones,or at electric security gates. To avoid
erraticreadings, move away from possible sources
Exerciseequipment with electronic components
maycause interfering stray signals. To tackle
theseproblems, try the following:
1. Removethe transmitter from your chest and
usethe exercise equipment as you would
2. Movethe wrist unit around until you fi nd an
areain which it displays no stray reading or
doesnot fl ash the heart symbol. Interference is
oftenworst right in front of the display panel of
theequipment, while the left or right side of
thedisplay is relatively free of disturbance.
3. Putthe transmitter back on your chest and
keepthe wrist unit in this interference-free area
asmuch as possible.
Ifthe heart rate monitor still does not work, the
pieceof equipment may be electrically too noisy
forwireless heart rate measurement.
28Customer Service Information