Ifyou don't know where you are in the menu,
pressand hold BACK until the time is displayed.
Ifthere are no reactions to any buttons, reset the
wristunit by pressing all the buttons
simultaneouslyfor two seconds. All other settings
excepttime and date will be saved.
Ifthe heart rate reading becomes erratic,
extremelyhigh or shows nil (00), make sure no
otherheart rate transmitter is within 1 m/3 ft, and
thatthe transmitter strap fits snugly and the
electrodesof the transmitter are moistened, clean
Strongelectromagnetic signals can cause erratic
readings.If the abnormal reading continues
despitemoving away from the source of
disturbance,slow down and check your pulse
manually.If you feel it corresponds to the high
readingon the display, you may be experiencing
cardiacarrhythmia. Most cases of arrhythmia are
notserious, but consult your doctor nevertheless.
Acardiac event may have altered your ECG
waveform.In this case, consult your physician.
Ifheart rate measurement does not work despite
theactions mentioned previously, the battery of
yourtransmitter may be empty. For further
information,see chapter Caring for Your Heart

CustomerService Information 29