Notethat in addition to exercise intensity,
medicationsfor heart conditions, blood pressure,
psychologicalconditions, asthma, breathing, etc.,
aswell as some energy drinks, alcohol, and
nicotinemay also affect heart rate.
Itis important to be sensitive to your body’s
responsesduring exercise. If you feel unexpected
painor excessive fatigue when exercising, stop or
continueat a lighter intensity.
Ifyou have a pacemaker, defibrillator or other
implantedelectronic devices, use the Polar heart
ratemonitor at your own risk. Before starting use,
takea maximal exercise stress test under a
doctor’ssupervision. The test is to ensure the
safetyand reliability of the simultaneous use of
thepacemaker and the Polar heart rate monitor.
Ifyou are allergic to any substance that comes
intocontact with your skin or if you suspect an
allergicreaction due to using the product, check
thelisted materials in Technical Specifications.
Toavoid any skin reaction to the transmitter, wear
itover a shirt. Moisten the shirt well under the
electrodesto ensure flawless operation.
Thecombined impact of moisture and intense
abrasionmay cause a black color to come off the
transmitter’ssurface, possibly staining
Ifyou use insect repellent on your skin, make sure
thatit does not come into contact with the
Whenin non-coded mode, the wrist unit picks up
transmittersignals within 1 m / 3ft. The frame
aroundthe heart symbol on the bottom of the
displayindicates that transmission is coded.
Codingblocks interference from nearby heart rate
26Customer Service Information