Nortel: WLAN Security Switch 2300 Series with AP-2330
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
#Applies the ACL to the Voice VLAN for ingress and egress traffic.
To create an ACL that allows and prioritizes IP protocol 119 (SVP) with a Class of Service (CoS) 7 and denies all other IP traffic on the Voice VLAN using CLI:
set security acl ip SpectraLink permit cos 7 119
#Creates an ACL that matches protocol 119 (SVP) and marks it with a CoS 7
commit security acl SpectraLink
# Commits and applies the ACL.
set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice in set security acl map SpectraLink vlan Voice out
#Applies the ACL to the Voice VLAN for ingress and egress traffic.
Saving changes
To save the current changes to a WSS using CLI:
save config
#Saves all configuration changes to the running configuration file.
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