J Redial key a
In idle mode: Access the Redial list.
K Keypad lock key *
In idle mode: Insert *. Long press to lock/unlock the keypad.
During a call: Insert *.
L Mute key [
During a call: Mute/Unmute the handset microphone.
MCall transfer key & Intercom/ Conference key c
In idle mode: Initiate an internal call.
During a call: Hold the line and page another handset. Long press to start a conference between internal and external calls.
N Ringer on/off key &
Pause key #
In idle mode: Insert #. Long press to turn the ringer on/off.
During a call: Insert #.
When predialling: Long press to insert a pause marked āPā.
In editing mode: Long press to switch between upper and lower case.
QBattery door
Handsfree activation can suddenly increase the volume in the earpiece to a very high level. Make sure the handset is not too close to your ear.
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