Chapter 2: Getting Started
Do you want the disk image to be duplicated to another or do quick initialize or create only?
Y - Create and Duplicate N - Create Only
I - Create and Quick Initiate
Gigabyte Boundary is automatically disabled when creating a mirrored array (RAID 1) from an existing drive (versus using two brand new drives). This protects the existing drive’s partition table in order to maintain data integrity.
3.Press Y for the Create and Duplicate option. The window below will appear asking you to select the Source drive to use. FastBuild will copy all data from the Source drive to the Target drive.
| Source Disk |
Channel:ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
| Target Disk |
Channel:ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
| [Please Select A Source Disk] | |
Channel:ID | Drive Model | Capacity (MB) |
1 : | SEAGATE S380023AS | 80024 |
2 : | SEAGATE S380023AS | 80024 |
[↑ ] Up [↓ ] [ESC] Exit
4.Press the arrow keys to choose which drive contains the existing data to be copied.
All target drive data will be erased. Make sure you choose the correct drive.