Interface Related Features
Wand Emulation
Supported Symbologies
The Wand Emulation interface will transmit bar code data as a wand device would. This inter- face will transmit the following bar code symbologies:
•UPC/EAN with addons
•Code 39
•Full ASCII Code 39
•Interleaved 2 of 5
•Code 128
Pharmacode 39 is transmitted as Code 39. All other bar code symbology types read by the scan- ner will be transmitted as Code 128.
Wand Emulation Bar Code Format
The following format settings are required for the wand emulation interface. These settings have been
•Code 39, Code 39 Full ASCII, and Pharmacode 39 bar codes must NOT contain start / stop characters.
•Codabar bar codes must include the start / stop characters, presented in the ABCD for- mat.
•Interleaved 2 of 5 bar codes must have an even number of digits.
Magellan® 1400i |