Chapter 3: Docking Station

Using The Docking Station

3.1 Using The Docking Station

This chapter describes the docking station. The docking station is used as a convenient “drop-in” holder for the netpad, supplying power and communications through the docking station connector.

3.1.1 Docking Station

The netpad docking station provides a permanently connected holder for the netpad. The power jack is on the front and the serial communication sockets are situated at the right of the docking station. The connector to the netpad faces upwards from the middle of the station. This connector mates with the connector on the underside of the netpad, and provides both power and serial communications.

Place the netpad in the docking station and it will begin charging.

Release Button

IR Ports

netpad Connectors

Communication Ports

Yellow LED indicates communications

Red LED indicates charging/

Green LED indicates charged

Red LED indicates power

Power Jack

Figure 3.1 Docking Station Features

To insert the netpad into the docking station, align the two devices, and press down on the netpad until the connection is made. To eject, press down on the release button at the top of the docking station. The netpad will be pushed up and out of the docking station.

Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual