Chapter 5: Files, Folders, and Programs

Checking Memory Use

5.9 Checking Memory Use

To display the amount of memory remaining:

double-click the System icon in the Control Panel and select the Memory tab. You can see the amount of free memory in the slider bar.

5.9.1 What Happens When Memory Is Full?

When the memory is nearly full, you will see warning dialogues when running programs to indicate that the netpad’s memory is almost full, and there is not enough memory to perform some tasks.

Many actions need just a little free memory in order to work—displaying dialogues, menus, etc. These can fail with a message like ‘Memory full’. The netpad will not allow you to use all of the available memory; it will always set aside enough memory for you to close a program or save an open file to a multimedia card.

Files saved on the internal disk and “open” programs both use memory. So, if the memory is nearly full you should be able to free some memory by closing some pro- grams. You can look at the taskbar to see which programs are running, and then close the programs or files that you do not need open.

You can also delete any unwanted files, or move files to a multimedia card or your PC to free more memory.

Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual