Chapter 6: Connecting netpad To A PC

Working With Your Files

6.4 Working With Your Files

6.4.1 Looking At Files On Your netpad

Using Windows Explorer, you can open, move, copy and delete files stored on your netpad from your PC.

On the PC, double-click on the Mobile Device icon in your PC’s My Computer folder. The Mobile Device window opens, displaying icons for the files and folders in the My Computer folder.

Double-click on the netpad’s My Computer folder under Mobile Device, to display the files and folders on the drive. A folder for the multi- media card will be present as the Storage Card folder.

6.4.2 Copying A File Using Drag And Drop

1.Go to the folder you want to copy files from. The left-hand pane of the Explorer window shows a list of all the disk drives on your PC, along with netpad and network drives (if any). You can expand a branch by

clicking on the symbol next to it, or close the branch by clicking

on the symbol. The right-hand side of Explorer shows the contents of the folder selected on the left.

2.Use the scroll bar on the right of the left-hand Explorer pane until you can see the drive that contains the folder that you want to copy the file from. Left-click and hold to drag the file or folder to copy.

3.Drag the file or folder up the folder list in the left pane, until you can see the folder that you wish to copy the file into. If the folder you want to copy to is not visible because its branch has not been expanded, hover the dragged file over the folder for a second and it should expand. This step can be repeated until the folder you want is visible.

4.Drop the file onto the folder name in the left pane, or into the right pane if the folder is open, by releasing the left mouse button.

Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual