Chapter 6: Connecting netpad To A PC
Opening netpad Files From Your PC
You can use Windows Explorer to manage files and folders stored on your netpad in the same way as you can on your PC’s drives.
Warning: | When you delete a file on your netpad from your PC, it is perma- |
| nently removed from the netpad’s drive. The file cannot be |
| retrieved from the Windows Recycle Bin, which only stores files |
| deleted from your PC’s drives. |
6.4.4 Opening netpad Files From Your PC
You can open a file on your netpad using a PC application without first having to copy it to your PC drive. You can edit the file on your PC and then save it back to your netpad when you have finished. To open a file from Windows Explorer,
When you save the file within the PC application, ActiveSync saves the edited file back to your netpad.
6.5 Backing Up Your netpad With ActiveSync6.5.1 Performing Your First Backup
You can use ActiveSync to back up all the files stored on your netpad to your PC. Keeping backups of your netpad files on your PC means that you have a separate copy of all your work that can be restored to your netpad. For example, you can restore backed up files to your netpad if you accidentally delete a file, wish to revert back to an older version of a file, or need to restore files if you forget to change the batteries.
To make a backup:
1.Open ActiveSync on the PC by
2.Click on the Tools menu, then on Backup/Restore.
3.Click Back Up Now to start backing up the files on your netpad. ActiveSync displays a progress window showing how long the backup will take and will inform you when it has completed.
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