5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-r (Update HBA Parameters)
5-32 SN0054667-00 C
To set the link speed of selected target(s) attached to one adapter to the
designated speed, issue the following command:
#qaucli -pr fc -q (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn> | <all>) <target
wwpn> <speed>


(Update HBA Parameters)

To update the adapter parameters, issue the following command:
#qaucli -pr fc -r (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn> | all) <File Name>
To save the adapter parameters to a file, issue the following command:
#qaucli -pr fc -r (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) save <File Name>
hba instance =Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
all =Reports link speed for all targets on all adapters in the system
target wwpn =World wide port name of the target
speed =Link speed
hba instance =Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
all =All adapter ports in the system are updated with the new
adapter parameters
hba parameters file
=File name or a path to a file that contains the updated adapter
hba instance =Adapter number (use -g command to find)
hba wwpn =World wide port name of the adapter
hba parameters file
=File name or a path to a file to save the adapter parameters