SN0054667-00 C 6-1
6iSCSI Noninteractive
This chapter describes the noninteractive iSCSI command format and parameters
of QConvergeConsole CLI for the QLogic 8242 Converged Network Adapter.
Command Format
The noninteractive iSCSI command format is as follows:
qaucli -pr iscsi [optional parameters] <Command Option> [Command
Variable] | [Command Variable]
Table 6-1 defines the command variables.
To view help, issue the command -h.
<> = Parameters in angled brackets are required.
[] = Parameters in square brackets are optional.
| = OR operator.
Italicized text = Placeholder describing the command variable.

Table 6-1. Noninteractive Command Variables

Variable Definition
hba_port_inst System port
Target ID Target I D
LUN ID Logical unit number (0–255)
CHAP Number
Challange handshake authentication protocol (CHAP) number