5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-h (Help)
5-14 SN0054667-00 C
Under Linux, this feature is disabled if you are using the IOCTL or sysfs (inbox)
To view the help file, issue the following command:
#qaucli -pr fc (-h)
To view help information for an individual command, issue the following command:
#qaucli -pr fc <Command Line Parameter> (-h)

Table 5-5. Adapter Statistics Parameters

Description Name Alias Value
Sets how often statistics are retrieved AutoPoll AP 0–256 a
aWhen the AutoPoll value is 0, statistics are retrieved automatically until the user aborts the
When the AutoPoll value is in the range of 1–256, statistics are retrieved for the number of cycles
specified by this value.
Set the polling interval when retrieving statis-
tics (seconds)
PollRate SR 5–30
Saves the adapter’s statistics to a CVS log file LogToFile LF Log file