9–Fibre Channel Interactive Commands
Display FC Port Link Status
9-44 SN0054667-00 C

Display Link Statistics (-ls)

2. Display FC Port Link Status<port selection>4. Display Link Statistics

From the Link Statistics Menu, select the Display Link Statistics option to view

link status information and save it to the log file.

Link Status Settings
AutoPoll (AP): 10
SetRate (SR): 5
LogToFile (LF): N/A
HBA Instance 0: QLE2462 Port 1 WWPN 21-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4 PortID 00-00-00
Link Status
General keyboard shortcuts:
R - Reset current
C - Refresh current
T - Refresh total
ENTER - Cancel the current task
Port Name Link Failure Sync Loss Signal Loss Invalid CRC
------------------------------- ------------ --------- ----------- -----------
Port(21-00-00-1B-32-17-F9-C4) 0 0 0 0