5–Fibre Channel Noninteractive Commands
-o (Output to a File)
5-28 SN0054667-00 C


(Output to a File)

To output result and status messages into a file, type -o, followed by the file
name. For example, to save LUN information to a file named systemLUNinfo:
#qaucli -pr fc -l -o systemLUNinfo
Where the file name is systemLUNinfo, all messages are located in the
directory indicated for the system platform:


(Display Persistent Target Binding Info)

With this command you can:
Show binding information for one or on all adapters.
Bind a specific target to a selected adapter.
Bind all targets on a specific adapter or on all adapter.
Unbind a specific target.
Unbind all targets on a specific adapter or on all adapters.
To show target persistent binding information for a specific adapter port, issue the
following command:
#qaucli -pr fc -p (<hba instance> | <hba wwpn>) (view | info)
The -o option is valid only in noninteractive mode.
This option can be used with all noninteractive mode options that have a
corresponding interactive mode option (see Tabl e 5 - 1). The option must
be the first or last command in the command line.
If the file already exists, new data are appended to the current file.
Windows: syslog.log in the current directory
Linux: /var/log/messages
Mac OS: /var/log/system.log
Under Linux, if you use the IOCTL or sysfs (inbox) driver these features are