Configuring Drivers and Services
OpenFabrics Drivers and Services Configuration and Startup
5.Start the QLogic VNIC driver and the QLogic VNIC interfaces. Once you have created a configuration file, you can start the VNIC driver and create the VNIC interfaces specified in the configuration file by running the following command (as root):
# /etc/init.d/qlgc_vnic start
You can stop the VNIC driver and bring down the VNIC interfaces by running the following command:
#/etc/init.d/qlgc_vnic stop
To restart the QLogic VNIC driver, run the following command:
#/etc/init.d/qlgc_vnic restart
If you have not started the InfiniBand network stack (InfiniPath or OFED), then running the /etc/init.d/qlgc vnic start command also starts the InfiniBand network stack, since the QLogic VNIC service requires the InfiniBand stack.
If you start the InfiniBand network stack separately, then the correct starting order is:
Start the InfiniBand stack.
Start QLogic VNIC service.
For example, if you use InfiniPath, the correct order of starting is:
#/etc/init.d/openibd start
#/etc/init.d/qlgc vnic start
Correct stopping order is:
Stop QLogic VNIC service.
Stop the InfiniBand stack.
For example, if you use InfiniPath, the correct stopping order is:
#/etc/init.d/qlgc vnic stop
#/etc/init.d/openibd stop
If you try to stop the InfiniBand stack when the QLogic VNIC service is running, an error message displays, indicating that some of the modules of the InfiniBand stack are in use by the QLogic VNIC service. Also, any QLogic VNIC interfaces that you created are removed (because stopping the InfiniBand network stack unloads the HCA driver, which is required for the VNIC interfaces to be present).
In this case, do the following:
Stop the QLogic VNIC service with /etc/init.d/qlgc_vnic stop.
Stop the InfiniBand stack again.
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