A Few Words About Grounding the System
A Few Words About Grounding the System
Grounding the satellite system to the central building ground helps protect it and other components from lightning damage. Different brands of satellite systems may have special grounding requirements. However, dish installation should comply with local codes and the National Electrical Code (NEC). Refer to your satellite system’s user guides for any other additional grounding information. Grounding the satellite system is something you can probably do yourself. But if you’re not sure, you should contact a qualified electrician.
The United States National Electrical Code specifies that coaxial cable that is exposed to lightning shall be connected to the grounding system of the building as close to the point of cable entry as possible.
Acceptable central building ground points
•Grounded interior metal cold water pipe within five feet of the point where it enters the building.
•Grounded metallic service raceway.
•Grounded electrical service equipment enclosure.
•Other acceptable grounding electrodes that comply with sections 250 and 810 of the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Routing and Grounding the Cables
1.Attach the grounding block to the side of your house close to the point you have chosen as the coaxial cable entry point. You may have to use anchors, togglers, or wood screws depending on the surface on which you are mounting the grounding block.
Step 1: Attach the grounding block to side of your house at your designated entry point.
It is extremely important to ground the dish AND the coaxial cables to a single point in the central building ground. A nearby lightning strike can easily damage an ungrounded dish, the receiver and your TV. Connecting both ground wires to the same point in the central building ground meets code requirements and provides the best protection for your equipment.
Final Installation 31